How Solar Energy System Works?

Uncontrolled and unchecked use of energy resources is bringing this world on a brink where the energy resources are depleting very rapidly. According to few reports there are chances that the energy resources would be running short to such an extent that there would be huge efforts to apply energy resources for needs. But one thing in this context is quite interesting that man is developing many new way of utilizing energy for its own benefits. Techsolutions have selected solar energy in this regard for its reader. In this post we are going to brief our readers about solar energy, how it works and its advantages and disadvantages.

Basically earth is in quite splendid positions regarding receiving of heat. It receives a big amount of energy directly from the sun on daily ,around 1,4KW per square meter of its surface and the sun is 150 million kilometres away.This heat is directly utilized for further purposes. There are various methods to consume this heat. But techsolution has outlined this very simple technique. Because the readers should first understand in a simple manner that how solar energy is produces or used. The process is as under:
Basically in Solar energy production process Photo voltaic (PV) cells is used. This is the vital and main point of this whole process. This PV changes the  sunlight directly coming to it into direct current (DC) electricity.This Phase of production of DC currents ends here and new phase begins here. Here inverter is used to further 

converts DC into alternating current (AC) electricity. Right at this stage you can assumed that your solar system is obviously ready to provide you with desired energy to  your lights and appliances.Utility meters can be used to measure the energy accordingly.

There are many ways to use solar energy which can be described as Solar Furnaces,Solar water heating and Solar Cells.

What are the advantages?
When we come to discuss the advantages of the solar energy, it can be said that it is totally free. It is cheap. It can be produced where other options of using energy are not possible. Simply we can use solar energy where the sun is rising on the planet earth. Where the rays of sun are reaching,there you can use solar energy panel to make your home luminous and run other appliances.

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What are the disadvantages?

So when discussing the disadvantages of the solar energy, it is sometime dumb when the weather is not sunny. So it is working only in day light and it is giving you benefit in day time. Moreover it is expensive. 

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